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[[underlined]] Washington D.C. to Nebraska. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 4, [[/underlined]] 1894
Left Washington at 3:45 P.M. by Penn. Line by way of Baltimore, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Columbus, & Chicago for O'Neill, Neb.

[[False start: half of capital M]]

[[underlined]] May 6 [[/underlined]] Arrived at O'Neill at 5:20 P.M. Tramped over prairie till dark, but found no gopher hills.  Saw none from the train between [[strikethrough]]O'N[[/strikethrough]] Ewing & O'Neill.

The soil at O'Neill is mainly a coarse black sand, which bakes hard in places but is mostly mellow.  The absence of gophers is hardly accountable

[[underlined]] May 7 [[/underlined]], Took the 9:30 AM train for Ewing. 25 miles E. of O'Neill & arrived at 10:30. Found that by mistake I had taken the wrong package of traps & had but 2 No. 0 with me.  Set all of my traps, caught 2 Geomys lutescens & another carried one of my traps down its hole. Dug 27 feet along the burrow but it branched & I did not get the trap.

Sandhills are all along here. The valley is black sand & good soil.

Yucca glauca is common on the hills.

Had a big puff ball cooked for dinner & it was good

[[underlined]] May 8 [[/underlined]] Caught a Sitomys, a Reithrodontomys, & a Perognothus flavescens. but no more gophers.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Agreed with two [[?]] transcriptions so took out of brackets. -@siobhanleachman