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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]]Nebraska [[/underline]] Left Ewing at 10:30 & arrived at [[underline in red]]Norfolk[[/underline]] at Noon. Bought 2 more No. 0 traps & set 3 for Geomys. Caught one [[underline]]bursarius[[/underline]]. Found hills along creek bottoms but none on clay hills back of valley. Set traps for mice on hills. The land about Norfolk is rich & is mostly improved. Hotel Oxnard is a pleasant hotel. Shot a [[underline]]Lepus sylvaticus[[/underline]] but did not save it, it was bad. [[underline]]May 9.[[/underline]] Caught 2 more Geomys [[underline]] bursarius[[/underline]], 3 Arvicola [[underline]]austerus[[/underline]] & one [[underline]]Reithrodontomys[[/underline]]. Found lots of signs of both the latter. Moved upto [[red underline]] Oakdale[[/red underline]] & set traps for Geomys & Perodipus. Rained most of P.M. The sandhils & yuccas begin at Oakdale & extend westward. [[underline]]May 10[[/underline]] Caught only 2 Geomys but they seem to be true [[underline]]lutescens[[/underline]]. Caught 1 [[underline]]Perodipus[[/underline]] Started westward at 2:15 & reached [[red underline]]Valentine[[/red underline]] at 9:15 Met J.M.Bates on the train. Went to Ray House, Worked till 3:30 & then ^[[ [[underline]]May 11[[/underline]] ]] got up at 7, took stage to [[red underline]] Rosebud Agency[[/red underline]] & arrived there at 3 P.M. About 30 miles fare $2-00, Packed Geomys skins, set 20 traps, wrote on report & notes. Found Perodipus holes. Very windy & sandy & dissagreeable day. Cold morning, hot day, pleasant evening.
Transcription Notes:
Rosebud Agency used to be in Nebraska then relocated http://history.sd.gov/Archives/Data/Archives/project/rosebud.aspx