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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] to Custer [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] May 27 [[/underlined]] Sunday. Broke camp at 10 & went through Custer and camped at the Wilcox ranch where I staid in 1888. Came 18 miles. Came over one ridge at 5400 feet. Custer is by the aneroid 5250. Passed 2 or 3 good ranches. but no streams of water till near Custer. Struck the granite formations about five miles before reaching Custer. Saw one Arctomys dacota just after coming into the granite belt. Failed to kill it. Splendid grass, nice country lots of deer tracks. one Fox track. Warm day. We have seen no Artemsis tridentata since getting well up into th hills. [[underlind]] May 28 [[/underlined]] Started at 7. Passed over the highest point in our route about 4 miles north of Custer at 5900 feet. Then struck the head of spring creek & followed down to Hill City. then down to Sheridan & over to another creek & down it 3 miles & camped where the road turns off from creek. Came 23 miles and camped at 4450 feet. Came down grade most of the way. Struck spruces & 2 species of Birch in the creek ravine on north slope. (Spring Creek is a good sized creek: clear & cold & rapid, saw suckers & bullheads in it. Saw no Arctomys, killed Sciurus, Tamias, & Spermophiles & a bat. Camped at 5 & made up skins & pressed some plants.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited Artemsis - Vernon probably means Artemisia tridentata. Agreed with [[suckers?]] so removed brackets, edited [[?]] to Sciurus -@siobhanleachman