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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] To Devils Tower [[underlined]] The high up holes are all abandoned. Caught one big Arctomys dakota. Came back and set traps along creek at camp. Saw a few Deer tracks. The oaks go clear up on this side of mountain & become dwarfed above the pines. [[underlined]] June 12 [[underlined]] Went up mountain to traps before breakfast. I caught a Zapus & Thomomys high up on Mountain & 2 Zapus near camp. Dutcher caught an Arvicola riparius high up and 3 Thomomys and at camp he caught 3 Zapus, & another Arvicola riparius. Packed up & started at 8 AM. Aneroid at camp read 5550, climbed up to 5700 and then began to descend through parks and groves of pines & oaks & popples, some beautiful meadow parks very little water seen, two small streams crossed at base of Mts. Came down several very long, steep hills, road not much used. No ranches till we struck the Belle Fourche. Pines & oaks in strips and patches clear to river. deep canons run down from base of Mts, with flat topped ridges between. Base of Mts. at 4000 feet & from that a slight descent to edge of river valley, down which we descend 100 or 200 feet to river. Reached the Belle Fourche at 1 P.M. and followed up the river about a mile and camped on west side. The river flows directly north, is 6 rods wide & belly deep to the horses. The water is like dirty milk and higher than usual owing to the rain. Much of the bottom of valley is sandy. Cliffs of yellow sandstone & of red shale [[blotted]] bo [[/blotted]] border the valley. The river bed is hard & covered with stones. Stony flats are common
Transcription Notes:
"pobble" is another term for poplar. (is actually "popple" -- bailey has very stylized "p"s)