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[[image - sketch of Devils Tower, resembling a tree stump. Parallel lines drawn from top to bottom indicate columns. Between two of the column lines is written vertically: " ϴ325 feet above camp ". At the widened base is a lot of crosshatching, probably indicating the talus described on opposite page. On left above the crosshatching are sketches of two trees. Below crosshatching is: " [[circled]] ϴ Camp [[/circled]] ". ]] [[caption]] West face of Devils Tower. [[/caption]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Devil's Tower [[/underlined]] I took aneroid up on base of tower to upper trees at base of columns where it read 4250. The talus of broken columns lies at an angle of 30[[degree symbol]] for 200 feet at base. It is in immense blocks, some of them 8 & 10 feet in diameter and 20 or 30 feet long as true and straight as the obliesk. Some are 4 some 5 & some 6 sided & Wier said he saw one 3 sided. The rock looks like granite but is not. It has a gray body full of white chrystals, much like that at foot of Shoshone Falls, Idaho. Is hard to break. From the west face the tower is symetrical with the wide side facing. It tapers upward by narrowing of columns. At the base [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] the columns bend around and out so as to form an enlarged pedestal but when they turn upwards they become symetrical & appear to have sharp, true edges. There are about 50 columns on west side and 16 at the end. Pines and junipers grow at upper edge of talus and on base of columns up as high as I climbed A flag pole stands on top of tower at west edge placed there last Fourth of July by a Mr. Rogers of Sundance. The staff appears about 50 feet high. He climbed the tower by driving wooden pins in a fissure up north end & nailing a rail to these so as to make a ladder. The top of tower is slightly rounded and on the edge grow some green plants. The top probably contains 1/4 of an acre. The columns look small but are 8 to 10 feet in diameter & when close by are so immense that you can hardly imagine them of chrystaline formation. Found ice deep among broken talus. Set traps.
Transcription Notes:
obliesk = obelisk
I'm bad at describing sketches. Have at it. @noundandverber
made some changes to description. Others may want to make more - nwmath
Later transcriber: made a few more changes.