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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Devils Tower to Little Mo. [[/underlined]] The surrounding rock formation at base of tower is yellow sandstone & below this red sandstone. On the west a big ridge connects the tower with the base of the Missouri Buttes, which appear to be 3 or 4 miles [[strikethrough]] to the west [[/strikethrough]] distant. They are about as high as the tower and apparently of the same sort of rock but not in basaltic columns. They rise like rounded domes. [[underlined]] June 14 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Neotomas & a Sitomys. Shot a Sciurus and Tamias. Dutcher shot 2 Tamias & a Cottontail. Made up skins. Moved camp down to river & set traps. Wrote Bear Lodge Mtn. Report. Saw one bat but did not get it. Got out 60 traps. [[underlined]] June 15 [[/underlined]] A splendid night for mice but did not catch a thing in traps except a Thomomys. Went down the Belle Fourche about 5 miles to Bear Gulch & then up that and over the divide and down to [[strikethrough]] P [[/strikethrough]] Little Missouri and camped. Came about 20 miles but not by the most direct road. Camped in sight of and about 10 miles from the Missouri Buttes which we passed on the way. Pine & oak timber follows the gulches & crests of ridges across the divide & down nearly to the Little Mo. Farther north a big timbered ridge seems to strike the river. There is timber in sight in the distance [[strikethrough]] lon [[/strikethrough]] on high ridges to the N.W. & S.W. of us. Apparently a big ridge runs west from the Buttes and probably carries with it pine timber. The top of the divide crossed is great parks