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[[underlined]] Little Powder R. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 18 [[/underlined]] Crossed to west side of river and followed up it about 6 miles to mouth of Whitetail Creek & then followed up that past the WM Ranch and over the divide and down Bitter Creek to the first water hole on it & camped. Came about 20 miles. Found Perodipus abundant along Little Powder Valley and about 2 miles up Whitetail Creek & then saw no more signs of them or of Sonoran species.

The country is all a burned out coal field & the scaria looks like lava. Rough hills & steep ridges are covered with scrubby Pines all across the divide

Caught Perodipus, Onychomys & Sitomys at Little Powder. Set our traps for P. nigripes in prairie dog town tonight.

The water at Bitter Creek is the worst we have found. 1 small spring comes out of bank & is strongly charged with gypsum & tastes of the coal which crops out in numerous seams.

Saw the Bighorns dimly from the divide, probably 75 or 80 miles straight.

[[underlined]] June 19 [[/underlined]] Caught nothing.

Followed down Bitter Creek to mouth of Powder R. at S A Ranch which they say is in Montana. Proceeded up the river on east side about 2 miles & camped near river. The country is the same burned out & worn down scaria field, very rough & steep & broken. Steep cliffs of red & yellow sandstone border the valley. The country is mainly badlands covered with stunted Pinus ponderosa

The aneroid read at Little Powder River 3350, on divide 4050, and at Powder River 3340. Intermediate readings are given in note book.