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[[underlined]] Powder River]] [[/underlined]]

Camped at river at 3 P.M. & wrote a report & made up a few Got specimens. Got one Tamias on the way. It looked so much like raining we did not set any traps. Began to rain hard in evening & flooded our tent & settled down for a nasty night. 

[[underlined]]June 22 [[underlined]] Rained hard all night, we were on low ground & were flooded. Built a dam around inside of tent & baled it out with wash dish. Dutcher & Weir went out in their slickers & shoveled ditches till we could get dry ground to sleep on.

Got up late & after breakfast did some writing till noon while we waited for the water to run off. Broke camp at noon & followed up river about 10 miles & camped about 5 miles north of the mouth of Clear Creek. The roads are very bad & the river is so high we cant cross for probably 2 days at least. 

Set traps, but found little signs of mammals. The valley bottom is a mile or two wide. High badland bluffs covered with scrub pines & Junipers border the valley. Sage brush of the 2 standard species - tridentata & cara, are the predominant shrubs. Sarcobatus is common & Atriplex nuttallii was seen. Psordia tumiflora & Lupinus pusillus are common & also a pretty white flowered Abronia. 
Coal is abundant & also scarea where coal fields have burned.