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[[underlined]] Powder River [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 21 [[underlined]] Caught nothing. Dutcher caught one Neotoma. Shot 2 Tamias & some birds. Hunted part of forenoon. In PM went up the river about 5 miles to mouth of Clear Creek & camped. The river has gone down over two feet today & is falling rapidly. Can cross in the morning without trouble. 

Set each of us a line of traps through PD towns for Putorius nigripes but with no prospect of success. A hot day. The road is mostly dry. 

[[underlined]] June 22 [[underlined]] Caught nothing in our traps.

Crossed Powder River & followed up Clear Creek crossing it 11 times. Water came over the bottom of buckboard in every crossing & wet some things in the load, wet the specimens in one chest Reached Clearmont at 6 & camped near town. Came 25 miles. Just got up the tent in time for a hail & rain storm. Could set not traps save a few for Thomomys. A hot day. The Bighorns are in full view nearly all the way & [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] now loom up grandly with snow all above timber.

[[underlined]] June 23 [[underlined]] The horses got behind a hill & we did not get them till noon, but it did not matter much as it rained nearly all night & the road was bad. Caught only a Thomys. Started at 12 & followed the railroad till 6:30 & camped near Arno. Guess we came about 15 miles.