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[[underlined]] Sheridan [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]]June 25 [[/underlined]]. Staid in camp all day writing reports and packing specimens. 

[[underlined]] June 26 [[/underlined]]. Mailed 6 packages & sent one by express

Sent reports, letters & telegram. 

Followed up [[underlined in red]] Big Goose Creek [[/underlined in red]] to the [[underlined in red]] canon [[/underlined in red]] where it comes out of mts. Could get up no farther & camped, though the grass is mostly eaten off by cattle. Came about 18 miles. Aneroid read at Sheridan 3500 & at camp 4500. Correcting from base our actual altitude is 4700 feet.

Pinus ponderosa & Psudotsuga douglasii & Acer & Betula are common at our camp & scatter down 300 feet lower. 
Populus angustifolia has completely supplanted monolifera & all along Big Goose Creek forms a forest strip of unusually large trees - It reaches up to our camp. 

Big Goose Creek is too large & deep & swift to ford, is a splendid stream of clear water & irrigates a great area. Good farms are scattered all along it. A good deal of alfalfa is raised & does well. 

Large ditches swing off over the mesa & small ones are taken out of the river at frequent intervals. Beside the creek valley the country is grassy mesas with some sagebrush. A. tridentata begins again for the first time since we left Powder R. Rained last night & again in PM.