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[[underlined]] Bighorn Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 27. [[/underlined]] Caught only Sitomys.

Went up the mountains for an all days tramp. Camp is 4700 feet. Went up the Mts to 7400 feet. Killed Tamias, Sciurus & and Dendragapus, Dutcher killed 5 Dendragapus, & a Driobates.
Saw deer, elk & sheep tracks.

Found Pinus ponderosa & flexilis & murryana & Pseudotsuga douglassi & Picea engelmani. Had a steep and difficult climb & did not get near any of the snowy peaks. On top of the table land, or forest plateau at about 7000 to 8000 feet a heavy forest stretches away to the peaks, much as in some places at the south end of the range. Rained by spells all day. Got back to camp at 7:30 hungry & tired.

[[underlined]] June 28. [[/underlined]] Made up skins & did not start till 11. Followed down [[red underline]] Big Goose Creek [[/red underline]] 5 miles & then struck north over [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] ridges and creeks to [[red underline]] Dayton [[/red underline]] on [[red underline]] Tongue River [[/red underline]] & about 2 miles beyond & camped. at 6:30. Followed parallel & not far from the base of Bighorn Mts. Mesas, rolling country, & valleys. Good grass & in valleys farms with fields of grain and alfalfa. Alfalfas is in full bloom & is being cut for hay.

Tongue River is a rapid stream, too big to ford splendid clear water. Is full of ties for R.R. Trees & brush grow along the river & a wide valley is watered by it & the farms look good. Set traps for Arvicola & Reithrodontomys & Thomomys all of which seem to be common. Heard S. 13lineatus & saw young Cyomomys & killed a Tamias.

Transcription Notes:
[[13lueatus ?]]I recall on another Bailey project, @SiobhanLeachman figured out this was an abbreviation for something. Can't find it. Help?! @noundandverber It's Spermophilus 13-lineatus! Yahoo! -@siobhanleachman