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[[underlined]] Pass [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 29 [[/underlined]] Caught only a Thomomys & Arvicola austerus. Was dissapinted at not getting any Reithrodontomys. Moved camp about 6 miles to where the road strikes the R.R. & spent the rest of the day writing & setting traps. The country is all fenced & is either in pastures or fields. Camped in a mean place but the prospect for Reithrodontomys is good. 

[[underlined]] June 30 [[/underlined]] Caught only one Thomomys & Dutcher caught a Thomomys & some Arvicola austerus. I still believe that Reithrodontomys made the runways that I found but it seems impossible to catch one. Had to hunt horses & did not get started till 10 Crossed a low ridge & struck the head of the Little Bighorn R. near the Montana Line & passed through the little camp town of Pass close to the Montana Line & camped 2 miles beyond on the Crow Reservation in Montana. Set out a lot of traps. Killed a cottontail & 2 sharptailed grouse. Found an Indian baby buried in a tree in a soap box A grassy valley & smoothly rounded hills & ridges covered with splendid grass. Only a little creek with a few scattering boxelders along it.    

[[underlined]] July 1 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Arvicola & a Zapus & Dutcher caught 5 Arvicola. Left out our traps & staid here all day - Sunday. 

Found some very good fossil wood on top of a hill close to camp.