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[[underlined]] Crow Agency [[/underlined]]

& a mile from the Nat. Cemetery where Custer & men are buried. Found an indian encampment on the old battle field preparing to celebrate the 4th of July by a sham fight & big dance. We counted 312 regular tepees & there are at least 100 tents & round top wickiups beside.

Should think there were 1000 indians present bucks, squaws & kids, all dressed in all their finery with bright clothes & loaded with ornaments.

Set traps

[[underlined]] July 4 [[/underlined]] Caught nothing in my traps & Dutcher got only 2 Sitomys.

Called on the Indian agent - Mr. Watson.

Went up to the Custer Cemetery & watched the Indian dance & sham battle. There are said to be about 3000 Crows present & 900 [[strikethrough]] Shoshones [[/strikethrough]] Cheyennes & a lot of Sioux, in all over 4000 Indians. 

Returned to camp in time to set more traps, but it soon began to rain hard & there seems no prospect of catching anything here.

[[underlined]] July 5 [[/underlined]]
Caught only a Sitomys & an Arvicola. Rained hard all of ^[[insertion]] last [[/insertion]] evening. Went down to Agency & then on to Ft. Custer. A lot of railroad trains were crossing & we could not get over tonight so camped on point between the Little & Bighorn Rivers & set traps on east side of both. Began raining again about sundown.