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[[underlined]] Pryor Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[double underlined]] July 12 [[/double underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]]
Caught only an arvicola longicauda went up canon & out on top of range & hunted all of the afternoon. Killed a Sciurus & a Lynx Saw lots of fresh bear signs, some deer & elk tracks. A fine country to hunt in, popple thickets & spruce & pine groves & open sage brush & grassy ridges. The main range of the Pryors are still farther to the east. Rained in PM. Got wet.

[[underlined]] July 13 [[/underlined]] Caught nothing. Broke camp & followed down the canon to road & over onto Sage Creek about 4 miles. Turned up Sage Creek & followed it from 11 AM to 6 PM. far beyond any road. Camped at north base of the highest peaks which have a good timberline & lots of snow. Our camp is still low, aneroid reads 5600, but dense groves of spruce & pine are close by & we can climb the steep slopes above. The country is mixed, forest & park, with gradual slopes of smooth, grassy swells. Had to take off half our load & pack it on the saddle horses for the last 2 miles. Probably came 12 miles up Sage Creek & are not far from its head.

[[underlined]] July 14 [[/underlined]] Had out only a few traps but got a Neosorex & an Arvicola & 2 Thomomys. Started up the Mts. at 9 afoot & reached the top at 11 on what seems to be the highest peak of the Pryor Range. Aneroid at camp read 5600 feet & on peak 8300, but I think it reads low. There is a good timberline along the N.E. slope 300 feet below the summit & great banks of snow above it.