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[[underlined]] Beartooth Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 25 [[/underlined]] Drove up the caƱon to the last ranch about 5 miles above town and left our wagon & half the load. Put the rest on our two team horses & started up the trail. Left Rocky Creek at 6200 and climbed up a rather steep grade to 9000 and then over great smoothe slopes on a plateau divide. Timber stops at the edges and leaves the table land open & grassy, apparently above timberline but not in elevation. In places there are spots of true timberline along north slopes and big banks of snow lie in the gulches & on sheltered slopes. It is fine traveling along the top & the cool fresh air comes over the snow fields while it looks hot & brassy down in the valleys. After 3 or 4 miles along the top we camped at 9000 between great snow banks in a little point of spruce. Picea engelmani & Abies & pinus albicaulis are the highest trees near our camp. Pinus flexilis and P. Murryana came up the slope from 6200 to 8000 & then Pinus albicaulis & Abies took their places. Douglas spruce stopped lower down.

The little Vaccinium microphyllum is abundant on the slope & full of red berrys which are good.  On the summit grass is luxurient & alpine plants abundant.

Camped at 5 P.M. & set traps for Arvicolas & Shrews.