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[[underlined]] Beartooth Mts. [[/underlined]]

Shot an old & young woodchucks & a Sciurus & saw Lagomys.

The mosquitos were very troublesome till it grew dark & cold. It is almost cold enough to freeze, & within 6 rods of us is a bank of snow 20 rods long by 6 wide and many feet deep.

The main range lies to the west & great peaks rise high above timberline with immense snow fields.

[[underlined]] July 26 [[/underlined]]  Caught 2 Sorex & a Neosorex & an Evotomys & Sitomys. Dutcher caught Arvicola & Sitomys. Packed up and continued to follow the divide between branches of Rocky Fork & Clark Fork. Traveled slowly from 9 till 5 and camped at what we suppose to be Beartooth Lake. Were above timberline all the way till we reached the lake, and part of the time out of sight of timber. The snow banks were too soft to cross so we had to pick our way around them & often found the ground miry below them. The aneroid remained close to 9000 all day though we ranged more than 1000 feet up & down. Probably our last nights camp at timberline was 10000 & we have been more than 1000 feet higher today.

Found good traveling most of the way but no trail. Passed dozens of little lakes, one was partly covered with ice & small snow-glaciers were breaking off in others. Most of them were deep & very clear & some were green.