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[[underlined]] Papers prepared for publication. [[/underlined]]

The following papers, based on material belonging to the Department of Birds, were written by the curator and submitted for publication:-

(1) Note on the [[underlined]] Anser leucopareius [[/underlined]] of Brandt. Pp.3, MS. Feb. 7; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.

(2) Note on the [[underlined]] Sarcorhamphus aequatorialis [[/underlined]], Sharpe. Pp.5, MS. Feb. 12. This paper, having particular reference to one published in the "Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club," was sent to the editor of the "Auk" for publication in that journal.

(3) Remarks on the California Vulture ( [[underlined]] Pseudogryphus californianus [[/underlined]] ). Pp. 5, MS. Feb. 12. This paper being also commentative on that mentioned above was similarly disposed of.

(4) Descriptions of three supposed New Honey Creepers from the Lesser Antilles; with a Synopsis of the Species of the Genus [[underlined]] Certhiola. [[/underlined]] Pp. 18, MS. Feb. 24; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. [Supposed new species described are, 1. [[underlined]] C. finschi [[/underlined]], Dominica; 2. [[underlined]] C. sundevalli [[/underlined]], Guadelupe;

Transcription Notes:
The triple-underline under "n" in "new" is a copy-editor's mark, meaning to capitalize that one letter. deleted Gua- to keep "Guadalupe" together on next page. Later transcriber: Actually, the hyphen rule says that the word goes on the first page. Moved all of "Guadelupe;" here.