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[[double-underlined]]R. B. Sharpe[[/double-underlined]], London, England. - 87 specimens, 10 species, mostly [[underlined]]Motacillidae[[/underlined]] from England. The series of [[underlined]]Motacilla yarrelli[[/underlined]] is very interesting; [[underlined]]Anthus pratensis[[/underlined]] was represented by 66 specimens, and gives a full series of the species for the reserve besides numerous duplicates.

[[double-underlined]]H. K. Coale[[/double-underlined]], Chicago. - 23 specimens, 18 species, mostly [[underlined]]Passeres[[/underlined]] from the Old World, filling gaps in the collection.

[[double-underlined]]Jos. L. Hancock[[/double-underlined]], [[blank]]. - 8 specimens, 8 species, [[underlined]]Passeres[[/underlined]] from Wadale, India.

[[double-underlined]]H. W. Henshaw[[/double-underlined]], Washington, D.C. - The type of [[underlined]]Otocoris alpestris strigata[[/underlined]], described by him in 1884.

[[double-underlined]]U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," Messrs Benedict and Lee[[/double-underlined]]. - 6 skins, 5 species, from Pensacola and Key West, Fla., and 15 alcoholics, 11 species, from Cozumel Id., Yucatan. In addition to the species already received from Cozumel (Feb. 1885), the present collection contains a specimen of [[underlined]]Tyrannus dominicensis[[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Verified entries using type-written version later in transcription (see page 121, etc.), although some spelling is different.