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during the month, the most interesting of which are: -

[[underlined]] Y. E. Blaisdell [[/underlined]], San Diego, Cal. - Nest and ^[[4]] eggs of [[underlined]] Spizella atrigularis [[/underlined]], the only ones ever taken.

Mrs. [[underlined]] C. W. Davis [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C. - Hen-egg, "egg within an egg."

[[underlined]] L. Stejneger. [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Thalassaaetus pelagicus [[/underlined]], egg. (broken in trans.)

[[underlined]] Packages sent out. [[/underlined]] 

The number of packages sent out by the Department of Birds during April was 10, as follows: -

[[underlined]] By Express: [[/underlined]] 

(1) [[underlined]] C. B. Cory [[/underlined]], Boston, Mass. - Specimens loaned for description (collect).

(2) [[underlined]] C. B. Cory [[/underlined]], Boston, Mass. - Specimens loaned for description (collect).

(3) Prof. [[underlined]] E. D. Cope [[/underlined]], Philadelphia. - Specimens borrowed for examination, returned to owner (collect).

(4) [[underlined]] D. Ridgway [[/underlined]], Wheatland, Indiana. - Collecting material of Mr. R. Ridgway (paid).

(5) [[underlined]] J. C. Zeledon [[/underlined]], N.Y. City. - (Personal; charged to J.C.Z.)