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[[underlined]] By mail. [[/underlined]]

(6). [[double underlined]] H. K. Coale [[/double underlined]], Chicago, Ills. - Specimens returned to owner. (Paid).

(7). [[double underlined]] H. G. Parker [[/double underlined]], Chester, Pa. - Specimens (eggs) in exchange (Paid).

(8). [[double underlined]] C. J. Maynard [[/double underlined]], Boston, Mass. - Specimens (eggs) in exchange (Paid).

(9). [[double underlined]] J. A. Allen [[/double underlined]], Cambridge, Mass. - Specimens borrowed for examination, returned to owner. (Paid).

(10) [[double underlined]] W. E. D. Scott [[/double underlined]], American Flag, Pima Co, Arizona. - Bird's skins (Personal, Wm. Brewster; Collect).

[[underlined]] Minor routine work. [[/underlined]]

Official letters written - 20
Official memoranda written - 3*
Orders for work written - 2.
Requisitions written - 19.
Memoranda of packing written - 10.

* The number of memoranda written was very much greater, the majority being written when there was no time for copying or keeping a record.