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- [[underlined]] Minor Routine Work [[/underlined]] -

Official letters written - 0
" [[Ditto for Official]] memoranda " [[ditto for written]] - 15
Orders for Work " [[ditto for written]] - 3
Requisitions - 9
Memoranda of Packing - 11

- [[underlined]] Proof Corrected during May [[/underlined]] -

1/2 galley, proof of article published in the "Proceedings" of the Museum.

- [[underlined]] Specimens Mounted for Exhibition Series [[/underlined]] - 

The number of specimens mounted for the Exhibition Series during the month is 37.-

[[underlined]] Special Work Accomplished [[/underlined]] -

No special work, except the transfer of the bird collection of the Agricultural Department, has been done during the month, the time being consumed entirely by regular routine work; and the moving of the specimens of the exhibition series from one case to another on account of the repairs and rebuilding of the cases.