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[[wavy underlined]] Work of Assistants. [[/wavy underlined]]

During Mr. Ridgway's leave of absence the undersigned has been appointed Acting Curator and performed the regular duties as such. Mr. Beckham has continued his work as usual.

[[wavy underline]] Reccommendations [[/wavy underlined]]

As the Collection of North American birds received from the Department of Agriculture during the month, to a great extent is made up of specimens originally duplicates of the Museum collection, and most of them are mounted in a style not up to the standard adopted for the Museum Exhibition Series, It is respectfully recommended, that such specimens which are not desirable for the Museum Collection be presented to some University or College.

I have the honor to be, 
Very respectfully, 
Your obedient servant,
[[signature]]Leonhard Stejneger.[[/signature]]
Acting Curator Department of Birds