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accessions to the Egg Collection.

[[underlined]] Charles Bendire, [[/underlined]] Capt., U.S.A., Ft Custer, Mont. _ 75 specimens, 22 species. A fine and valuable collection containing series of [[underlined]]Parus septentrionalis[[/underlined]], [[underlined]]Leucosticte tephrocotis[[/underlined]] (11 spcms), [[underlined]]Otocoris arenicola[[/underlined]] (6 spcms), [[underlined]]Colaptes mexicanus[[/underlined]], [[underlined]]Scops asio maxwelliae[[/underlined]] (3 spcms), [[underlined]]Bubo virginianus subarcticus[[/underlined]] (5 spcms), [[underlined]]Centrocercus urophasianus[[/underlined]] (12 spcms), [[underlined]]Pediocaetes phasianellus campestris[[/underlined]] (8 spcms). Of these the [[underlined]]Scops[[/underlined]], [[underlined]]Bubo[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]Centrocercus[[/underlined]] are particularly interesting and valuable.

[[underlined]]Zoological Society[[/underlined]], Philadelphia, Pa._ A parakeet ([[underlined]]Psittenteles chlorolepidotus[[/underlined]]), and a Red-bellied Waxbill ([[underlined]]Estrelda astrild[[/underlined]]) in the flesh, both having died in captivity.

The accessions to the egg-collection during June were 44 (museum register Nos. 22307-22350), the principal ones being as follows :- 

[[underlined]]Loren W. Green[[/underlined]], Baird, Shasta Co., Cal.- Nests and

Transcription Notes:
verified names -nwmath