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eggs of 40 species, the most interesting of which are [[underline]] Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis [[/underlined]], and [[underlined]] Dendroica nigrescens [[/underlined]].

[[double underlined]] C. W. Beckham [[/double underlined]], Washington D. C. - Nest and eggs of [[underlined]] Pyranga aestiva [[/underlined]].

[[double underlined]] G. Noble [[/double underlined]], Savannah, Ga. - Eggs of [[underlined]] Sterna antillarum [[/underlined]]. 

[[underlined]] Packages sent out. [[/underlined]]

The number of packages sent out by the Department of Birds, during June, is 5, as follows:

[[underlined]] By Express [[/underlined]] :

(1). [[double underlined]] R. Ridgway [[/double underlined]], Wheatland, Knox Co, Ind. (Personal, charge to R. R.) 

(2). [[double underlined]]B. H. Warren[[/double underlined]], West Chester, Pa. (Personal, H. W. Henshaw; charge to H. W. H.) 

(3). [[double underlined]]W. Brewster[[/double underlined]], 61 Sparks Str., Cambridge, Mass.  (Personal, H. W. Henshaw; charge to H. W. H.)

(4). [[double underlined]]Ernst E. G. Seton[[/double underlined]], Glen Cottage, Toronto, Cal. - Specimens