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borrowed for examination and returned (Paid).

[[underlined]] By Mail [[/underlined]] :

(5). [[underlined]] N. S. Goss, [[/underlined]] Topeka, Kansas. - Bird skins for examination.

[[underlined]] Minor routine work. [[/underlined]]

Official letters written    1.

Official memoranda written  5.

Requisitions written   1.

Memoranda of packing 5.

[[underlined]] Papers for publication based on material belonging to the Department of Birds. [[/underlined]]

(1). Synopsis of Birds reported to inhabit Kamtschatka; 

(2) "Conclusions"; 117 pages of MSS; Parts II and III of Bulletin 29, U. S. National Museum. 

[[underlined]] Proof corrected during June. [[/underlined]]

(1) 1/2 galley, of article by Mr. R. Ridgway published in the "Proceedings" of the museum. 

(2) 142 galleys, and 304 pages page revise of Bulletin 29, U. S. National Museum.