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[[double underlined]]Batty I. H., and Greenwood, E. C.[[/double underlined]] (Acc. 16271) - One
specimen of [[underlined]]Syrnium nebulosum alleni[[/underlined]], pullus, new to the collection.

[[double underlined]]Dugès, Prof. Alfred[[/double underlined]], (Acc. 16262). - 28 specimens,
27 species, from southern Mexico.

[[underlined]]Packages Sent Out.[[/underlined]]

The number of packages sent out during the month is 13, as follows:-

[[underlined]]By Express.[[/underlined]]

July 6: [[double underlined]]Prof. D. S. Jordan[[/double underlined]], State University, Bloomington Ind. Bird's skins from Lower Amazon; sent for determination, and returned. [[underline]]Paid[[/underline]].

July 14: [[double-underline]]Thos. McIlwraith[[/double-underline]], Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Birds skins. (Exchange.) [[underline]]Collect[[/underline]].

July 20: [[double underlined]]Prof. S. A. Forbes[[/double underlined]], Champaign, Ills. MSS.
(Personal, R. R.). [[underlined]]Collect[[/underlined]].

July 21: [[double underlined]]Wm Brewster[[/double underlined]], Cambridge, Mass. Bird skins from Capt Bendire. [[underlined]]Collect[[/underlined]].

July 22: [[double underlined]]S. E. Cassino[[/double underlined]], Boston, Mass. MSS. (personal, Dr. Stejneger). [[underlined]]Collect[[/underlined]].

July 24: [[double underlined]]Prof. S. A. Forbes[[/double underlined]], Champaign, Ills. MSS.