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[[underlined]] Forest Ball [[/underlined]], San Bernardino, Cal.- Six specimens. [[underlined]] Spizella atrigularis [[/underlined]] and two of [[underlined]] Oreortyx picta plumifera [[/underline]], from San Bernardino, Co., Cal. (Acc. 16302.)

[[underlined]] Hugh M. Smith [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C.- Specimens, in flesh of Old Squaw Duck, ([[underline]]Harelda hyemalis[[/underline]]), shot July 26th, at Piney Point, Lower Potomac. Mounted for exhibition series. (Acc. 16283.) Also, three Brown-headed Nuthatches, ([[underlined]]Sitta pusilla[[/underlined]]) and three Western Sandpipers ([[underlined]]Ereunetes occidentalis[[underlined]]) from St. Georges Isld, Md. (Acc. 16376 

[[underlined]] Henry Seebohm [[/underlined]], London, England. - Two specimens of the Siberian Titmouse ([[underlined]] Parus cinctus oblectus [[/underlined]]) from the Yensai. (Acc. 16324.)

[[underlined]] Arthur T. Wayne [[/underlined]], Charleston, S.C. - Four specimens of Swainsons Warbler ([[underlined]] Helonaea swainsoni [[/underlined]]), from near Charleston. Obtained by exchange. (Acc.

[[underlined]] Geo. Marshall [[/underlined]], Laurel, Md. - One Bronzed Grackle ([[underlined]]Quiscalus aeneus[[/underlined]]) and one Red Crossbill, ([[underlined]]Loxia americana[[/underlined]]) from Laurel, Md. Gift. (Acc.