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[[double underlined]]C. C. Nutting[[/double underlined]], Carlinville, Ills. - Thirteen specimens, eight species, from Florida. Purchased. (Acc. 15131.)

[[double underlined]]R. Ridgway[[/double underlined]], Washington, D. C. One Great-Horned Owl ([[underlined]]Bubo virginianus[[/underlined]]), purchased for the Museum and mounted for exhibition series. Gift. (Acc. 

[[double underlined]]W. Otto Emerson[[/double underlined]], Hayward's Cal. - Eight specimens Samuel's Song Sparrow ([[underlined]]Melospiza fasciata samuelis[[/underlined]]), two of California Song Sparrow (M. fasciata heermanni), and other interesting specimens, (in all, 17 specimens and 5 species). Gift. (Acc. 16339.)

[[double underlined]]Arthur Edwin Brown[[/double underlined]], Supt. Zoological Gardens, Phila, Pa. - One specimen of Whitney's Owl, in flesh. Gift. (Acc. 16375.)