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[[underlined]] Oölogical specimens. [[/underlined]]

The number of entries in the oological catalogue during August is 54 (catalogue numbers 22360 - 22413), embracing 18 species, represented by 1329 eggs and 7 nests. These were, chiefly a part of L. M. Turner's Ungara collection.

[[underlined]] Specimens distributed. [[/underlined]]

The number of specimens distributed during the month is 70 (30 species) all with a single exception exchanges - as follows.-

Aug 12th [[underlined]] Chas K. Worthen [[/underlined]], Warsaw, Ills.- 13 specimens , 9 species.

Aug 18: [[underlined]] Geo. N. Lawrence [[/underlined]], New York City  11 specimens, 5 species.

- [[line for  Aug 18]] [[underlined]] Henry Seebohm [[/underlined]], London, England, 15 specimens, 4 species (Redpolls, from Turner's Ungava collection).

Aug 19: [[underlined]] P.L. Sclater [[/underlined]], London, England, 8 specimens, 3 species (Redpolls from Turner's collection).

-[[line for Aug 19]]: [[underlined]] Salvin & Godman [[/underlined]], London, England. 11 specimens, 3 species (Redpolls from Ungava).

Transcription Notes:
"Ungara" should be Ungava but transcribed as written.