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Aug. 19: [[double underlined]] Salvin & Godman [[/double underlined]], London, England. - Specimens of birds. 

[[underlined]] Minor routine work. [[/underlined]]

Official letters written - 51
"[[ditto for Official]] memoranda "[[ditto for written]] - 11
Memoranda of packing - 27
Requisitions - 10
Orders for work - 6
Galleys of proof-corrected - 13
Pages " "[[ditto for of proof-corrected]] - 5 1/2

[[underlined]] Work of assistants [[/underlined]]

The assistants of the curator have each performed, with the usual promptness and satisfaction, the various duties assigned them. Dr. L. Stejneger has continued his special studies among the Old World birds, especially those of Japan and Kamtschatka, and has rendered the curator much valuable assistance in various ways. Mr. C. W. Beckham has continued the invoicing of specimens, and catalogueing of type specimens, besides attending to many of the usual