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Much work has been done on the report upon Cozumel birds, but so many unavoidable interruptions have occurred that the report is not yet finished. 

[[underlined]]Special work accomplished[[/underlined]].

Much the greater part of the special work accomplished during the month, has been in the way of directing the remodeling of cases in the museum, and the rearrangement of the exhibition collection, as fast as the cases were finished. The labor connected with this matter, has been very considerable, but the result exceeds the Curator's expectations, ample case room being provided for the present mounted collection, while a much more systematic arrangement of the specimens has been made practicable. When the work shall have been completed, (as will be the case before the end of this month), the general appearance and attractiveness of the collection, as well as its condition and chances for preservation, will have been improved beyond computation. 

I am, sir, 
Very respectfully your obt servt

[[signed]] Robert Ridgway [[/signed]]
Curator, Dept. Birds. 

Transcription Notes:
The "obt servt" may be an abbreviation of the "obedient servant" Ridgway uses in prior pages.