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[[embossed image of a building]]

[[underlined]] By express. [[/underlined]]

(1). [[underlined]] S.E. Cassino [[/underlined]], Boston, Mass. - Book MSS. (Personal, Dr. L. Stejneger.) Sept. 2. [[underlined]] Collect. [[/underlined]]

(2). [[line: ditto for [[underlined]] S.E. Cassino [[/underlined]],]]. Do. Do. [[ditto for: Boston, Mass.]] " [[Ditto for: Sept]] 7. " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Collect. [[/underlined]] ]]

(3). [[line: ditto for [[underlined]] S.E. Cassino [[/underlined]],]]. " " " [[Ditto for: Boston, Mass. Sept]] 15. " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Collect. [[/underlined]] ]]

(4). [[line: ditto for [[underlined]] S.E. Cassino [[/underlined]],]]. " " " [[Ditto for: Boston, Mass. Sept]] 22. " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Collect. [[/underlined]] ]]

(5). [[line: ditto for [[underlined]] S.E. Cassino [[/underlined]],]]. " " " [[Ditto for: Boston, Mass. Sept]] 28. " [[Ditto for: [[underlined]] Collect. [[/underlined]] ]]

(6). [[underlined]] Dr. R.W. Shufeldt [[/underlined]], U.S.A., Ft Wingate, N.M. - Osteological and alcoholic specimens, from H.K. Coale, Chicago, Ills. (Sent for investigation.) [[underlined]] Paid [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]] By mail. [[/underlined]]

(7). [[underlined]] J.A. Allen [[/underlined]], American Museum, New York City. - Specimens for examination. (Sept. 5.)

(8). [[line: ditto for J.A. Allen]]. Specimens borrowed and returned. (Sept. 11.)

(9). [[line: ditto for J.A. Allen]]. Do. Do. [[ditto for Specimens borrowed and returned.]] (Sept. 15.)

(10). [[underlined]] G. Frean Morcom [[underlined]], Chicago, Ills. - Bird skins returned to owner. (Sept. 8.)