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(11). [[underlined]] Geo. N. Lawrence [[/underlined]], New York City. - Bird skins returned to owner. (Sept. 8.)

(12). [[underlined]] Prof. W.W. Cooke [[/underlined]], Burlington, Vt. - Bird skin returned to owner. (Sept. 24.)

[[underlined]] Specimens distributed [[/underlined]].

The number of specimens distributed during the month is 295, of which 46 specimens and 3 species were loaned for examination, and 249 specimens (105 species) exchanged.  They were distributed as follows: - 

[[underlined]] Exchanged. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] J.W. Preston [[/underlined]], Baxter, Iowa. - 3 sets of eggs (13 eggs), 3 species.

[[underlined]] Dr. W.H. Fox [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C. - 34 specimens, 26 species.

[[underlined]] Dr. L. Stejneger [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C. - 209 specimens, 75 species, chiefly duplicates of his Kamtschatkan collection.