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[[underlined twice]] Duges[[/underlined]], Prof. [[underlined twice]] Alfred[[/underlined twice]], Guanajuato,[[left margin  ✓]]Mexico. - 11 specimens, same number of species, from Mexico. (Gift).

[[underlined twice]] Emerson, W. Otto[[/underlined]], Hayward, Cal._
8 specimens of Samuels's Song Sparrow
[[margin]] [[circle]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] (Melospiza fasciata samuelis[[/underlined]]), 2 of California
Song Sparrow ([underlined]M.f. heermanni[[/underlined]]), and other
interesting specimens, in all, 17 specimens
and 5 species. (Gift).

-----------. - 4 [underlined] Passerella iliaca
[[margin]] [[circle]] [[/margin]] unalascensis, and 6 [underlined] Melospiza samuelis,
all from Allamanda Co., Cal. (Gift).

[underlined twice] Ferrari-Perez, Prof. [underlined 3x] F., Puebla,
[[margin]] [[circle]] [[/margin]] Mexico. - 7 skins of [underlined] Eugenes fulgens. (Gift).

[underlined 3x] Fox, Dr. W.H., Washington, D.C. -
[[margin]] [[checkmark]] [[/margin]] 7 specimens, 6 species, from New Hampshire

[underlined 3x] Gale, Denis, Philadelphia, Pa. - 24
[[margin]] [[circle]] [[/margin]] specimens, 17 species, from Colorado, including
a fine series of [underlined] Leucosticte australis and

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