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noteworthy forms may be mentioned: - two [[underlined]] Leptosomus discolor [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Tylas [[/underlined]]; [[underline]] Cyanolanius [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Artamia [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Bernieria [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Calicalius [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Vanga [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Hartlaubia [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Euryceros prevosti [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Geobiastes squamigera [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Brachypteracias leptosoma [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] Coua [[/underlined]], etc. etc. (Exchange). 

[[left margin: checkmark]] [[double underlined]] Nutting, C. C. [[/double underlined]], Carlinville, Ills. - 13 specimens, 8 species, from Florida. (Purchased)

[[left margin: checkmark]] [[double underlined]] Palmer, Wm. [[/double underlined]], U. S. Fish Commission. - 3 specimens of Common Crossbill, from Escanaba, Mich. (Gift). 

[[left margin: O]] [[double underlined]] Perry, T. D. [[/double underlined]], Savannah, Georgia. - A female Swainson's Warbler ([[underlined]] Helinaia swainsoni [[/underlined]]). (Gift). 

[[left margin: checkmark]] [[double underlined]] Ragsdale, G. H. [[/underlined]], Gainesville, Texas. - 12 specimens, 7 species, including a fine series of 6 [[underlined]] Otocoris arenicola [[/underlined]], a [[underlined]] Syrnium alleni [[/underlined]], the first specimen of this form taken outside of Florida, and a fine specimen of [[underlined]] Buteo harlani [[/underlined]] (the latter purchased,

Transcription Notes:
The first letter of donor names and their initials are all triple underlined.