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[[left margin: checkmark]] [[underlined]] Townsend, Chas. H., [[/underlined]] U.S. Fish Commission. - 156 specimens, 52 species, collected in Humboldt Bay, California. (U.S. Fish Comm.).

[[left margin: circle]] [[line representing ditto for  [[underlined]] Townsend, Chas. H., [[/underlined]] U.S. Fish Commission]]. - 12 specimens, 7 species, from California. (U.S. Fish Comm.).

[[underlined]] Turner, L. M. [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C. - 12 specimens, 7 species, from Piney Point, Va. (Gift).

[[left margin: checkmark]] [[underlined]] U. S. Fish Commission [[/underlined]]: Naturalists of the S.S. "Albatross". - 524 specimens, 51 species, mostly from the Bahamas.  The collection is of unusual interest as containing not only several forms new to science, but also as extending our knowledge in regard to the distribution of the species on the individual islands, on many of which no collections have been made previously, and in furnishing large series of many species which formerly were ^[[poorly]] represented in the museum collection.

Transcription Notes:
First letter and initials of donors here triple underlined.