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[[embossed image of building - CONGRESS  HOLYOKE PAPER CO]]

During January Mr. L. Stejneger submitted for publication two papers, one of which is the first of a series of essays on the more difficult groups and families of Japanese birds.  Their titles are as follows: - 

(1) Review of Japanese Birds. I Woodpeckers. Pp. MS. 81; with one colored plate.

(2) The British Marsh Tit. Pp. MS. 5 (Described as a new subspecies under name [[underlined]] Parus palustris dresseri [[/underlined]])

Both papers are based on material belonging to the Department of Birds, and submitted to the Editor of the "Proceedings" of the National Museum, January 22.

[[underlined]] Work of the Taxidermist. [[/underlined]]

During January Mr. Marshall has done the following work:

[[2-column table]]
Birds taken off old stands and transferred to new walnut ones | 284.
New walnut stands fitted together | 120.
[[/2-column table]]