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[[underlined]] U. S. Fish Commission.- [[/underlined]] 11 specimens of Bonaparte's Gull ([[underlined]] Larus philadelphia [[/underlined]]) from Wood's Hole, Mass.

[[underlined]] C.W. Beckham, [[/underlined]] Bardstown, Ky.- 10 specimens, 6 species, Passerine birds, from Pueblo, Col.

[[underline]d] H. K. Coale, [[/underlined]] Chicago, Ill.- 90 specimens, 85 species, from different parts of the world, but chiefly from South America and India. A very valuable collection, containing several species new to the collection: 34 specimens, 34 species, mostly [[underlined]] Old World birds [[/underlined]], several new to the collection; 14 specimens, 14 species, of extralimital birds. (Exchange): 46 specimens 43 species, mostly [[underlined]] Old World birds [[/underlined]], some of them mounted. The collection is valuable and interesting, contains several species new to the museum.