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[[double underline]] Lieut. H. C. Benson,[[/underline]] Fort Huachuca,  Arizona. –
15 specimens, 2 species, of Quails from Sonora, Mexico. This is the most important accession during the month, consisting as it does of a fine series of 10 beautifully prepared specimens of [[underline]]Colinus ridgewayi[[/underline]], the other two not represented in the museum collection, and 5 equally find specimens of a new sub species of [[underline]]Callipepla elegans[[/underline]], named [[underline]]C. elegans bensoni[[/underline]], by the curator in honor of its discoverer. Aspecial interest arises from the fact that this collection was made about 150 miles from U. S. and Mexican border line. 

[[underline]]Edward Hargitt,[[/underline]] London, England.-91 specimens, 63 species, chiefly water birds and birds of prey, all from the Old World. This collection is very valuable and contains some species new to the collection.