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[[underlined]] C.B. Cory, Boston, [[/underlined]] Mass.- 19 specimens, 10 species, [[underlined]] West Indian birds. [[/underlined]] A most interesting and valuable accession, containing as it does specimens of the recently described [[underlined]] Centurus caymanensis [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Certhiola sharpei [[/underlined]] from Grand Cayman Islands; [[underlined]] Calyptophilus fugiverus, Hirundo sclateri, Picumnus lawrencei, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Todus subulatus [[/underlined]] from San Domingo, besides two fine pairs of [[underlined]] Chrysalis sallaei [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Conurus chloropterus [[/underlined]] from the same Island, and two male [[underlined]] Geothlypis rostrata [[/underlined]] from the Bahamas.

[[underlined]] Zoological Gardens, [[/underlined]] Philadelphia, Pa.- [[underlined]] through the Superintendent, Mr Arthur E. Brown [[/underlined].- 1 Brush-Turkey ([[underlined]] Talegalla lathami [[/underlined]]) in the flesh one parakeet skin ([[underlined]] Polytetes melanura [[/underlined]).

[[underlined]] E.A. Colby, Chicago [[/underlined]], Ill.- 1 Evening Grosbeak ([[underlined]] Hesperiphona vespertina [[/underlined]]) in the flesh.

Transcription Notes:
Calyptophilus fugiverus = Calyptophilus frugivorus