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[[underlined]] P.L. Jouy. [[/underlined]] Washington, D.C. 13 specimens, 8 species, from Japan.  A very valuable accession, containing a beautiful hybrid between the [[underlined]] Copper Pheasant [[/underlined]] and the [[underlined]] Green Pheasant [[/underlined]]; a fine specimen of [[underlined]] Spizaetus nipalensis, [[/underlined]] and a good series of the Japan [[underlined]] Bullfinch [[/underlined]]. (Purchased); 6 specimens, 5 species, from Japan and Australia.

[[underlined]] C.J. Maynard [[/underlined]]. Boston, Mass.- 8 specimens of [[underlined]] Puffinus auduboni [[/underlined]], from the Bahamas.

[[underlined]] Dr. John Gundlach [[/underlined]], Fermina, Cuba. W.I. 9 specimens, 3 species, from Cuba.

[[underlined]] Geo. Marshall, [[/underlined]] Laurel, Md.- Two Crossbills ([[underlined]] Loxia curvirostra minor [[/underlined]]).

Transcription Notes:
Info about Fermina (a sugar plantation which housed the museum collection): P.L. Jouy -