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[[underlined]] Vinal Edwards, [[/underlined]] Woods Hole, Mass.- Several lots of birds in the flesh, from Woods Hole, mostly Bronzed Grackles  ([[underlined]] Quiscalus aƩneus [[/underlined]]).

[[underlined]] W.A. Conklin, [[/underlined]] Superintendent, Central Park Menagerie, New York City, N.Y.- A Black Swan ([[underlined]] Chenopis atrata [[/underlined]]) in the flesh.

[[underlined]] Fred Mather, [[/underlined]] Woods Hole, Mass.- 2 chicks in alcohol of the Mandarin Duck ([[underlined]] Aix galericulata [[/underlined]]), bred in captivity.

[[underlined]] Ern^[[e]]st E.T. Seton, [[/underlined]] New York City,- 6 specimens, 6 species, from Carberry, Manitoba.

[[underlined]] Ernest E. Thompson, [[/underlined]] Toronto, Canada.- 3 specimens of Canadian Ruffed Grouse ([[underlined]] Bonasa umbellus togata [[/underlined]]) and two Prairie Sharp-tailed Grouse ([[underlined]] PediocaƩtes phasianellus campestris [[/underlined]]) Exchange); 35 specimens, 12 species, from Manitoba.