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Woodpeckers, Wrynecks, Rails, Tits, Thrushes (part), Pigeons, Auks; also, the order Herodiones (Herons, Storks, Spoonbills and Ibises), and some smaller groups, as the genera [[underlined]] Acanthis [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Pyrrhula [[/underlined]]. Mr. Stejneger's researches are based on what is believed to be by far the richest collection of Japanese birds extant, and are of very great importance, his methods being characterized by a peculiar degree of care and exactness. The published results include 100 pages referring exclusively to Japanese ornithology, in which are described 11 new species. In addition to his investigation of Japanese ornithology, Mr. Stejneger has worked up an interesting collection of birds from the island of Kauai, Hawaiian group, said collection embracing no less than seven (7) new species (out of a total of only 15 species) and one (1) new genus.