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the accessions for the one just closed, gives the following as the approximate number of specimens in the reserve, exhibition, and duplicate series, and the total number in the collection [[symbol]] [[checkmark]];-


*[[checkmark]] Of the 2393 total additions during the year it is estimated that 2000 went into the reserve series, and 393 into the duplicate series.  This would increase the latter to 8,143, were it not that the specimens distributed during the year (1031) were taken from that series.

[[5 column table]]

 | 1885-6 | 1886-7 | Increase | Decrease

Reserve series  | 38875 | 40875 | 2000 | -
Exhibition " [[Ditto for: series]] | 7000 | 7000 | (none) | -
Duplicate " [[Ditto for: series]] | 7750 | 7112 | - | 638.
Total | 53445 | 54987 | 1542 | -

[[/end table]]


Last entry in catalogue in June 1886. - - - 109060
" " " " " " [[Dittos for: Last entry in catalogue in June]] 1887 - - - - 111453.