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[[underlined]] Robert Ridgway. [[/underlined]] The Coppery-tailed Trogon ([[underlined]] Trogon ambiguus [[/underlined]]) breeding in Southern Arizona.
[[underlined]] The Auk, iv, 1887, [[/underlined]] pp. 161-162.
Refers to the nestling collected by Lieut Benson, in the Huachuca Mountains.

[[underlined]] Robert Ridgway. [[/underlined]] Description of a New Species of the Genus [[underlined]] Empidonax [[/underlined]] from Guatemala.
[[underlined]] The Ibis, 1886, [[/underlined]] pp. 459-460.
The new species is named [[underlined]] E. salvini Ridgw. [[/underlined]]; the type is in the National Museum.

[[underlined]] Robert Ridgway. [[/underlined]] On [[underlined]] Empidochanes fuscatus [[/underlined]] (max.) and [[underlined]] Empidonax brunneus, Ridgw. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] The Ibis, 1886, [[/underlined]] pp. 460-461.
Demonstrates the distinctness of the species based upon comparison of the type specimens of both. Gives a synopsis of the species of [[underlined]] Empidochanes [[/underlined]] and proposes conditionally the name ^[[E]] vireoninus for the species from Tobago.