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[[underlined]] Robert Ridgway. [[/underlined]] Description of a New Plumed Partridge from Sonora ([[underlined]] Callipepla elegans bensoni [[/underlined]]).
[[underlined]] Forest and Stream, xxviii, No 6, 1887, p. 106 [[/underlined]]
Based on specimens presented to the National Museum by Lieut. Harry C. Benson U.S.A.

[[underlined]] Leonhard Stejneger. [[/underlined]] Review of Japanese Birds. I. The Woodpeckers, (With a colored Plate).
[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat Mus, ix, [[/underlined]] 1886 [[underlined]] pp. [[/underlined]] 99-124, pl ii.
The first of a series of articles forming a kind of "Prodromus" of a contemplated larger work on the birds of Japan.  The present part of the "review" treats of 12 species and subspecies of Woodpeckers, three of which are described as new, viz:- [[underlined]] Picus canus jessoensis, ^[[Dryobates]] subcirris, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] D. namiyei, [[/underlined]] the latter being figured on the plate.