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[[underlined]] Leonhard Stejneger. [[/underlined]] The British Marshtit.
[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat Mus., ix, 1886, pp. [[/underlined]] 200-201.
Described as a new subspecies, [[underlined]] Parus palustris dresseri Stejn [[/underlined]]

Leonhard Stejneger. Notes on the Species of the Australian Genus Pardalotus.
[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat Mus ix., 1886. pp. [[/underlined]] 294-296.
Maintains that [[underlined]] P. assimilis [[/underlined]] belongs to [[underlined]] P. affinis [[/underlined]] as a subspecies, and not to [[underlined]] P. ornatus [[/underlined]]. A "Key to the Species" is given as well as a catalogue of the species contained in the National Museum.

[[underlined]] Leonhard Stejneger. [[/underlined]] Description of Rallus jouyi with Remarks on Rallus striatus and Rallus gularis.
[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., ix, 1886, pp [[/underlined]] 362-364.
The former described as a new species, the other two shown to be distinct.