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[[underline]] Leonhard Stejneger. [[/underline]] Madarasz's Zeitschrift fur Ornithologie. 
[[underline]] The Auk, iii, 1886, pp. [[/underline]] 398-399.
A review calling the attention of American ornithologists to this Journal. 

[[underline]] Leonhard Stejneger. [[/underline]] Dr.Shufeldt on the Osteology of the Trochilidae, Caprimulgidae, and Cypselidae. 

[[underline]] The Auk, iii, 1886, pp. [[/underline]] 404-406.
A review of a paper by Dr.Shufeldt in the Proceedings of the Zool. Soc. London, criticizing his conclusions in regard to the Swifts and Hummingbirds, maintaining that these two families are closely related and should be included in the same order.