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[[underline]] Leonhard Stejneger [[/underline]] [Letter to the Editor of "The Ibis"]

[[underline]] The Ibis, 1886, pp.381, [[/underline]] 382.
Maintaining that "to use the oldest available name in every case, where it can be proved and to spell it exactly as it was spelled when published for the first time" is the only rule of Zoölogical nomenclature which can be carried out with safety. 

[[underline]] Leonhard Stejneger [[/underline]] Description of a New Species of Fruit-Pigeon [[underline]] (Janthoenas jouyi) [[/underline]] from the Liu Kiu Islands, Japan.

[[underline]] American Naturalist, 1887, pp. [[/underline]] 583-584.
Based upon a specimen submitted to the author for examination by the authorities of the Tokio Educational Museum.