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[[underlined]] Leonhard Stejneger [[/underlined]] On Brachyramphus perdix (Pall.) and its nearest Allies (Plate vii). 
Zeitschr. Ges. Ornith., iii,1886, pp.210-219 + color. plate.
Shows that [[underlined]] B.  perdix [[/underlined]] should be separated from [[underlined]] B. marmoratus. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Leonhard Stejneger [[/underlined]] Lundefuglene det Stille Hav. [[underlined]] Naturen, 1887. pp. [[/underlined]] 33-38.  
An account of the Puffins and Auklets of the Northern Pacific Ocean.

[[underlined]] Leonhard Stejneger [[/underlined]] On the Extermination of the Great Northern Sea-Cow ([[underlined]] Rytina [[/underlined]]). A reply to Professor A.E. Nordenskiold.  [[underlined]] Bulletin Amer. Geograph. Soc., [[/underlined]] 1886, No. 4, pp 317-328.  Disproves Nordenskiold's allegation that living Rytinas have been seen since 1768 the year given by Sauer as the  

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